{Hoffman Holla' 2018-5} Frontier Ventures Changes


Frontier Ventures Updates

The past few months have brought a rapid succession of changes with our mission agency, Frontier Ventures. Read below for details.

WCIU has agreed to sell the Campus

Read the official Frontier Ventures Press Release

When we were in Pasadena, we often talked about and described "the campus". The campus was purchased in the 70's. There is an amazing story of how God allowed this unknown group to raise 16 million dollars - with a strategy of asking one million people to donate $15.95.

This campus housed many mission agencies, Frontier Ventures & US Center for World Mission entities and was a central place of community (& sports) for the staff.

The WCIU Board deemed that they were in vision and mission alignment to steward a multi-facility campus, plus the economic situation has turned so that the campus was a burden instead of the envisioned blessing. This and the rise of the internet (making collaboration virtual instead of physical) lead the board to decide to sell the campus.

At this point, its in process but not finalized until Summer 2019.

Frontier Ventures Staff Gathering

Toward the end of April Adam spent a few days in Valley Forge with our leaders and regional members clarifying the direction of the organization. It was refreshing to see Frontier Ventures refocus on our core contribution to mission enterprise. Much innovation and publishing will continue and go farther.

For instance, check out Mission Frontiers discussing the possibility and reality of the gospel coming to N. Korea. Or pray for the unreached people of the day via Joshua Project.

Frontier Ventures Organizational Statements
Vision: Movements to Jesus expressing the fullness of the Kingdom of God within every people

Mission: we are a protestant religious order, organized as a global network of covenant members working with pioneering leaders and organizations to initiate and accelerate breakthroughs of the Gospel within unreached people groups.

We do this by forming and transforming People, discovering and disseminating Ideas, incubating and multiplying Prototypes, Programs, and Projects

  • Journey With and Toward Jesus
  • Devoted to Communal Prayer
  • Live on the Edge: sodalic and apostolic mission
  • Life Long Learning: journey and transformation
  • Honoring Oikos: networks of connections and commitments

Perspectives launching 501c3

Perspectives has been a flagship program of the organization, event before the US Center for World Mission was created. Because of a difference in operational needs and strategies, Perspectives has requested and been given permission to create infrastructures that will serve the mobilization movement toward the future. Perspectives will create its own non-profit organization that will give freedom for the organization's needs to be served separately.

Perspectives will collaborate and partner with Frontier Ventures - possibly in more concrete ways because of the change. This transition is a healthy freedom, instead of an organizational split or something created out of brokenness relationships or separation of vision. Frontier Ventures members will become a part of the newly formed board.

Personally, not much will change for us in terms of how we are supported and the work we will do. While things may change in the future, we are currently envisioning remaining staff members with Frontier Ventures who will be seconded to Perspectives.

Adoption Update

At this point, we don't have further tangible updates. We are in the matching phase and having our profile intermittently shown to expectant mothers. Once we are matched, we'll know a timeframe for becoming a family of four.

The Hoffmans are members of the mission agency Frontier Ventures, currently assigned as Perspectives Southeast Regional Directors.

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* Pray for healthy transition admits all the changes. Christian organizations don't necessarily have a good track record in navigating difficult changes.

*Pray for the releasing of fruit for the King and His Kingdom that these changes are intended to bring.

*Pray for our family and the adoption process.

What is Perspectives?

Perspectives is a fifteen week course designed around four vantage points or "perspectives" — Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic. Each one highlights different aspects of God's global purpose.

The Biblical and Historical sections reveal why our confidence is based on the historic fact of God's relentless work from the dawn of history until this day.

The Cultural and Strategic sections underscore that we are in the midst of a costly, but very "do-able" task, confirming the Biblical and Historical hope.

Click here to find a class near you.

Perspectives Vision ...

is to see the Body of Christ awakened to pursue the fulfillment of God's global purpose within every people for His glory.

Perspectives Mission ...

is to mobilize by educating the Body of Christ (in the USA) to strategic engagement in God's global purpose.

Next Issue (June 2018)

Our Next Hoffman Holla' will review our Spring semester fruit of ministry and another major Perspectives announcement.

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